notebook fetish and polka dots
Saturday, March 31, 2012 | 10:01 PM | 0 comments

Our love for notebooks and diaries is no longer a secret. We had loads of them at home. Some of which are still empty, untouched, kept in a corner to be admired! Hah! I strongly believed that we've actually adored having notebooks since we were young. I remembered giving notebooks as presents to friends back when I was much younger and even till now. I just love giving people things they can write on. Notebooks are essential beloved belongings, so dear, so true ♥

1. A6 Black polka dot ruled notebook
It was a birthday gift from my dearest friends. The fact that they knew the amount of love I have for notebooks is admirable. Well this notebook is really cute and small. It consists of 120 sheets and 3 dividers.
You can get this from Daiso.

Black 365 diary
A wonderful birthday gift from Syafiah. If you noticed, she owns the red 365 diary. I should say that this is the most chic looking diary I've ever own. Previous years' diaries were all simple and inexpensive ruled notebooks. This has more than 365 pages though. I think its about 368 pages. It's a plain, no lines diary, so yeah, you gotta have to keep your handwriting neat and straight (: You can get this from kikki.K.

2. 12 Monthly scheduler
I personally love the colour. This scheduler consists of 12 sets of schedule calendar and there is another section specially for notes. It has quite a lot of pages so there is plenty of space for you to dress it with your creativity and I loved it. Pretty neat. I pasted photos and quotes all over in a monthly manner. It also has the last page for you to fill up your personal data.
You can get this from Artbox.

Brown plain notebook
It's a plain notebook with no lines. I used this for my doodles before I bought a moleskine. I like the texture of the papers. It's about 48 pages.
You can get this from UrbanWrite and { prologue }.

3. Star Wars Limited edition plain moleskine
Gotta love this one. I bought this as a gift for myself. Yeah. It even has a star wars poster inside. I used this for doodling and writing my thoughts. It's really nice and it has a lot of pages.
You can find this at UrbanWrite. May the force be with you.

4. Polka dot pencil case
This is a freebie. My dad bought HL milk cartons and got this as a freebie. Cool huh? (: He gave it to me because he wouldn't want that for a pencilcase wouldn't he? Haha. I love the colour and it's definitely one of the adorable free items I have ever gotten.

Till the next post.

Love, Saliha

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Designing your own memoboard
Friday, March 30, 2012 | 5:39 PM | 0 comments

Inspiring and motivational quotes always make us feel more confident about ourselves and our capabilities as a human being. Quotes and sayings also serve as a reminder for us on our roles as beings on this Earth and what we must do to not only get away with problems but also get through them. A good way to have these quotes in our constant remembrance would be by putting them on a memoboard, somewhere you can visually see them every single day.

For this post, my sister and I would like to share what we did with our memoboards and we will include some simple tips to start making and designing your own!

Memoboards not only hold favourite or memorable quotes. Of course you can add small memos, to-do-lists, your monthly schedules, polaroids and pictures of your loved ones. Here are our personal memoboards!

Materials used:
A few tips on making your own memoboard:
  1. If you don't like things messy, draft out your own memoboard plan. Mark out which are the areas that you would like to place your individual items.
  2. Plan out a colour theme if you would like. It'd look nicer and less noisy.
  3. Get your materials ready before you start on your memoboard. Designing your memoboard may take more than an hour - depending on a lot of circumstances - and it'd be great to spend a single stretch of time to do your board until its completion. The sense of accomplishment once you put up your board is definitely amazing.
  4. Turn on some of your favourite music while you are designing your memoboard. It adds some hype and keeps your excitement up high! (This can be a tough work especially when things go wrong along the way.)
  5. Let your mind flow throughout the process. Sometimes the draft that you crafted earlier on may not suit the materials that you have. Always open your mind to alter the angle of your materials and shift them across or anywhere on your board. Who knows, impromptu work can be marvelous at times!
  6. The memoboard is your own personal masterpiece. So it should represent who you are as a person as well as your personality. Obviously there is never a right or wrong design for your own memoboard. Set yourself free, don't stress up and enjoy every minute of your efforts!
  7. Lastly, always be inspired!
Other lovely memoboard ideas you can try. Enjoy!
hearthandmade | papermarket | designdazzle | houzz | squidoo |

Love, ceriseskies

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up next
Thursday, March 29, 2012 | 12:30 AM | 0 comments

Look out for our next post!
print than screen
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 | 2:55 PM | 0 comments

It is often that we share our thoughts, ideas, interests and updates on our lives with the people we love.  Interestingly, a few months ago, my girlfriends and I decided to get ourselves a group notebook to write on. Instead of communicating our thoughts to each other verbally, or writing them out on an online blog, we felt that writing them down on a bunch of papers would give it a whole new dimension to our friendship and communication.

So we invested on a notebook by Archie Grand from his I Met and Liked series. Tadaa!
Writers I Met and Liked is a perfect title to help us start with our little group project and since then, we've been taking turns to write at least a full-page of content (quotes, individual daily happenings, tips, words of motivation, etc).

We also added a slight personal touch to the notebook we now call 'Ours'. ♥ We hope that in a few years' time, we'll be able to look back at this notebook and find joy and laughter while reading our stories.

Check out Archie Grand's amazing collection of notebooks. You'll love what you'll see!

Love, Syafiah


inspiration links update
| 1:25 PM | 0 comments

Hello there! The inspiration links are up. They are all awesome craft blogs, with lots of diy tutorials and free printables. Do check them out and be inspired ♥

Love, Saliha
Bring out the collection
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 6:29 PM | 0 comments

Notebooks and planners are one of my guilty pleasures! I love looking at how the notebooks are designed and how interesting their covers can be. Hats off to notebook designers for their creativity and passion! Anyway, here are some of the notebooks/diaries that I have with me. They are certainly beautiful places to write your thoughts and feelings on!
(Click on picture to enlarge)

1. 365 Diary
I got this on my 19th birthday from a dearest friend of mine. It is personally my favourite by far because of the colour red (it's my favourite colour!). As the number suggests, there are 365 pages that not only allows you to write down your daily happenings but at the same time helps you to keep track on the number of days that has passed in the year. This non-lined journal will tempt you to doodle or paste your favourite quotes, or even convert it to a moleskine - it's your choice!

2. Planners
When you are as busy as a bee, planners help you to be more organized with your daily schedule! I love the ones that I have because they are handy and includes random quotes to boost my day.

3. Plain Notebook
This plain covered and non-lined notebook comes in a set of three at such an affordable price! The textured paper in this notebook brings you back to the Victorian days, and you have the freedom to decorate the cover according to your own liking.

4. Sketchbook
Like to draw and paint? This sketchbook is fun-size and very handy! I love the design on the cover - it enhances the artistic side of me!

So that's about it for now.

Love, Syafiah

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What's in store
| 1:40 PM | 0 comments

Now that we've talked a little bit about ourselves, let's now bring in the real stuff! For the upcoming posts, we will be sharing our individual personal craftworks and collections of lovely things, where we got them, etc, so stay tuned for that! In the meantime, we are still constructing our links and along the way we will update them with other websites that we find useful for this sharing.

Love, ceriseskies
| 1:25 PM | 0 comments

The younger one.

Just like my sister, I am a young lady with a few words. But that doesn't mean I don't communicate with others or am a non-social butterfly. I just prefer the company of my own being at times and take every moment to listen to my thoughts and ideas. As John Green says, "my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." My thoughts are pretty much like that too.

Here are some things you'd like to know about me (pardon me if they seem boring! hehe):

That's about it.

Love, Syafiah


| 11:53 AM | 0 comments

The older one.

Honestly, I'm clueless when it comes to penning down sentences about myself. It feels weird, really. I'm never good at it. I might have all these sentences ready to flow out, but it would not turn out as how I wanted it to be. Therefore, I'll post up some facts that would help ease your wondering; what is it about this girl, Saliha.

1) I’m turning twenty-two this year.

2) I prefer to sit in a corner and do my own thing.  I do like to walking around alone too. It's a time for admiring and thinking.

3) I love to read. I love finding beauty in books and words.

4) I love meaningful conversations. Don't you?

5) I adore nature. From the skies and stars to the mountainous landscapes. Everything that Allah swt has created is beautiful.

6) I love having things to write on, such as notebooks and diaries. I enjoy getting crafty and artistic too.

7) I'm working and studying at the same time. That's a blessing. (:

8) I’m a shy person and I only open up to a few. Yup.

9) I can be quite clumsy which leads to me having truckloads of embarrassing moments. I think those memories fit a treasure box. Please do not try to open it, I beg of you.

10) I still have so much to learn. For example - to ride a bicycle. I really don't know how to. :p

That is all ♥

Love, Saliha


Monday, March 26, 2012 | 1:14 PM | 0 comments

ce·rise [suh-rees, -reez]    

To be honest, finding a name for this blog was really hard. We wanted it to sound crafty but in the end we settled with ceriseskies. In case you're wondering what cerise means, it is a colour that is of a moderate to a deep red tone. So, as our blogname suggests, it illustrates a deep red sky that we can often see during the sunset. And that somehow explains both of us. We love nature! And our favourite creation in this world would be the skies. Whenever you look at the sky, it gives you a feeling that suits the one you feel in your heart. Since we love staring at the sky so much, ceriseskies would be a name that is close to our hearts. 
We hope that our blog will be beneficial in some ways and we hope you'll read on!

Love, ceriseskies