DIY Books
Friday, April 20, 2012 | 1:30 AM | 0 comments

We're back. Yes, with our promised DIY Book post! 
I was browsing through the resource books in school (my school has an awesome range of creative resource books, really) and I found one interesting book titled 'Step-by-step Making Books'.  It became an inspiration for my new personal project that I'm currently making. I've decided to make DIY books for my 3 dearest friends.

Materials used:
 Read on to learn how to make your very own DIY book.
I followed this step by step tutorial from the book mentioned.
Step-By-Step Making Books by Charlotte Stowell

Simply follow the steps below, and you won't go wrong.

There are many other types of books step-by-step tutorials are found in this book. Some are really easy like the above tutorial while there are others which are a little too complex and requires more resources and time.
Now that the books are ready, I'm left with decorating the pages with pictures of my dearest friends and quotes which will be complimented with scrapbooking materials such as patterned papers, stickers and other creative materials.

Here's how their first page looks like

Making books sure is fun!

Love, Saliha.
